March 28, 2021

Jesus' Triumphal Entry 


Welcome to worship! Join with members and friends as we hear of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, sing and pray together.

Wave your palm branch and shout "Hosanna!"

Communion is celebrated this week, so set the table: break the bread, pour the wine, light the candle.

Pass the offering plate:  if you need help with your offering, check out Donate Now for options.

Order of Worship:  This is the bulletin for Palm Sunday

Scroll down to join the "Hosannas" and find the worship service.



For Palm Sunday...

Kids' bulletins and Palm Sunday materials are here.

Make a Palm Cross: fold the palm branch to make a cross.  Directions are here or watch Kalba and Meranda from the Bible Bunch make a cross.

Paint kindness stones:  Jesus said that if the crowd was silent, the stones would shout out!  It really was an important parade into Jerusalem.  How about making some stones shout?  Paint some kindness stones.

Make an Easter Story wreath: Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week.  Make an Easter Story wreath with downloads from this website.  

Getting ready for Easter...

Bake Communion Bread:  We will celebrate Communion on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday.  To bake Communion Bread, here's Pastor Tuula's favourite recipe

Colour Easter Eggs:  Since we can't gather and do our traditional egg colouring on Good Friday, we've posted suggestions for how to colour some very special Easter eggs.  Marbled, speckled, plaid, striped or whipped cream:  which will you do?  Find all the info here:  colour eggs.


Worship this Holy Week

Watch your email for worship during Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday, April 1, will be livestreamed @ 7:30pm on Zoom
Good Friday, April 2 
Easter Sunday, April 4



Welcome to our worship for Palm Sunday...